Posted in Thoughts

Again and Again

There are some things you’d rather forget; especially those that trigger thoughts you’d rather not think and emotions you’d rather not feel. During this pandemic season, my fiancé and I have frequently discussed the importance of intentionally choosing to dwell instead on “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, excellent or praiseworthy” (Philippians 4:8 NIV). This led me to erase my last two posts. I am aware that I would not be able to entirely erase them from my memory, but I can definitely erase them from my blog. Ha!

These afternoon musings on memories were set off by my trying to recall bits and pieces of what transpired in the last 15 years. I have been writing a book containing stories of my experiences in New York City and there are certain moments I remember like they happened yesterday and a lot that are blurry and all but faded. But there is a significant lesson that I mulled over with these reminiscences: God can do the SAME THING again.

An IGTV video posted by Life.Church featured Ptr. Robert Madu teaching on how God can do things AGAIN. He talked about how Jesus performed the miracle of feeding the multitudes TWICE: once with the 5,000 and a few months later with the 4,000. He said, “…if God did something miraculous once, how many of you know He has the power to do it again? That if God healed you once, He can heal you again. That if God opened a door once, He can open up a door again. He can do it again! Oh, come on! Please do not let this pandemic make you nervous and question the power of your God. Because if He did it once, He can do it again. Some of you need to rehearse the history of all the things that God has brought you from and all the things that He’s done. And it is your history with God that should give you strength and faith for what you’re facing now. Because if He did it once, He can do it AGAIN!”

What a reminder! God has indeed opened doors of opportunity, healed my body, provided for my basic necessities, protected me from harm and danger, sustained the people I love, gave me the trivial things I ask for… not once, not twice, but over and over again. Yet when uncertainties came, my initial reactions could be characterized as filled with anxiety, concern, worry, even fear. Despite my ‘history’ with God, my human frailty takes over and it takes a lot of conscious effort and intentionality to remember God’s faithfulness, trust in WHO He is — my Father — and rest in the knowledge that He does not bless me because I deserve it but because I am His precious daughter and He loves me.

It’s a simple truth. I’ve heard it so many times before. Today, however, this simple truth filled me with such joy I could eat a gallon of ice cream! (I know a lot of people eat ice cream when they’re sad; I, however, crave for it when I’m happy. So yeah, it’s an ‘order ice cream for delivery’ kind of day.)

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